Thursday, January 15, 2009

Monetize your Blog

Who doesn’t want to earn a few hundred dollars per month without doing extra work. In the corporate world being promoted to a higher designation implies " earning more and working less”. Its a general perception, as that is when you are held responsible only when the people under you fails to do the required. I have found a clear and practical approach in doing this. Be it you who do it or you get it done via your people, but you have to be a part of it and then get your income. On the other hand, Passive income is the income that does not require your direct involvement. For example, network marketing, owning rental property. For start ups as well as for the ones who already are into their business they key to achieve financial freedom is to align and shift business model to create more passive income. If you are new to the idea welcome aboard!

Now is the time to think about how to apply this in your business. But if you are hunting for elusive income streams online there can many options available. At the very least, a high five-figure annual income is certainly an attainable goal for an individual working full-time from home. Isn’t that fascinating!!For people who are interested in blogging shouldn’t wait for anything, as the best time to start is now. The earlier you start working to build your passive income, the sooner you will reap the benefits with outstanding results.

The beauty of automated income is it doesn’t include any sales, no employees, no products, no inventory, no credit cards, and no customers. And yet one can easily generate a growing income. Perhaps the best part of generating income from blogging is the freedom it brings. Here below are key points which contribute to earnings while blogging--
- Create a small website or a blog but definitely don’t limit your web site to just a blog.
-Pick a niche for your blog, but make sure it’s a niche with a broader platform so that you can build significant traffic. Usually aim for atleast 3 posts per week (don’t worry to much on the length of the posts)
- Sign up as affiliate in as many programs like amazon, clickbank etc(this leads to passive income)
- Build email lists( passive income)
-Other ways to generate income are: Google Adsense ads ,Donations, Text Link Ads etc.(will give you the residual income)

Posted By:Jaspreet

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