Indians had achieved breakthroughs in several cases, which were once considered impossible. Everyone would have felt India’s economic self-confidence as the India’s Tata Motors, unveiled the long-awaited “People’s car", the Tata Nano amidst the New Year celebration. Nano seems like a real car. Tata Motors in particular devoted itself to building cheap cars rather than efficient mass transportation. Gandhian Engineering is the term that's cropping up all over Cyberspace after the launch of Tata's radically innovative car ~ The Nano. Just as the Japanese popularized kanban (just in time) and kaizen (continuous improvement), Indians could export a kind of "Gandhian engineering, combining irreverence for conventional ways of thinking with a frugality born of scarcity".
Gandhian Engineering essentially means to solve big problems in a few years at affordable price and at less development cost. Stating that the challenge was to “Get More for Less for More and More people". The Nano earns the moniker of the world’s cheapest car clearly intended for the masses. And now with "Gandhian Engineering" Tata Motors has created the world's lowest price-tag car using High Technology. What do you think? Is the Nano a car of the future? Would you drive one?
Gandhian Engineering essentially means to solve big problems in a few years at affordable price and at less development cost. Stating that the challenge was to “Get More for Less for More and More people". The Nano earns the moniker of the world’s cheapest car clearly intended for the masses. And now with "Gandhian Engineering" Tata Motors has created the world's lowest price-tag car using High Technology. What do you think? Is the Nano a car of the future? Would you drive one?
Gandhian engineering, or appropriate design, could be a terrific mechanism for forcing product and business model development to cleave to the need profile of a target segment. It is a loose description for developing products aimed at the growing developing markets. For the nascent world of Nanotechnology, Tata has given a great push which we can cash on to create a greater understanding of "Nano applications in India,as it is an area which creates New Markets, New Opportunities and New products.
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