Year 2008-- Its time for me and you to bade farewell to it and map out our objectives for the upcoming year. As always, I will design my goals rather than making a long list of resolutions. I actually don’t understand the reason behind taking up resolutions when they are pretty much made to be broken. I believe in the philosophy of setting up my goals which are here to last, rides me successfully through this year and prepares me for the next.
Today, I took some time off from my daily routine and ponder about my future goals, focussing on the core values which I desired to attain. I am ever ready to accept my failures and learn from them. So, they are a part of my designing process. The basic motto of believing in “me” is to analyze my capabilities and reassess what I have achieved and what I thought I would achieve.I plan so that I can have a very clear and concise idea of where I want to end up and how should I go about it .Because when I know where to end ,I can set the road map even if I need to face the twists and turns to get there. With destination to land, things get simpler and easier for me. Today time flies at an unimaginable pace and I need to analyze what is that people zig outside their closed thoughts and how can I zag myself with them and have an extra cutting edge.Everyone knows be it you or I, we can think beyond the world, dream big and achieve dreams but only if we click it right. I set up realistic and achievable goals which keep me motivated to keep running towards it. It’s not that I am scared to dream big and have doubts on my abilities; it’s just that if my dreams have a base the probability of achieving them automatically becomes higher.As proteins are the building blocks of body, goals are the fundamental building blocks of success.So, this New Year too I am going to pick one goal — or two, or at the very most three — and make them my priorities for 2009.
“Grey Matterz” would like to welcome the new guest—Year 2009 with our common goal of believing in oneself and show the rest that we are special in our own unique way.Experts say that goals should be SMART — specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timed — and it’s true also, but we think it’s the passion which drives us towards accomplishing our goals.
Wish you all a very Happy and Prosperous New Year. And hope you are ready to set up your list of goals.
Posted by:Jaspreet
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