Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Rural BPOs: Next big thing in IT !!

There are still many hidden opportunities that exist for outsourcing service providers in India. The next revolution in Indian Information Technology sector to happen is Rural BPOs .The industry gears up to achieve $50 billion export target in 2009. Rural BPO is all about creating employment, creating more jobs. It will reduce the cost for Indian IT companies initially and then later will do the same at the global level.

With the Business Processing Outsourcing (BPO) industry flourishing in India, more and more companies began establishing operations in the metropolitan cities to capitalize on the available human resource talent and physical infrastructureA lot of wealth creation has happened as the Indian IT industry took giant strides and passed through several revolutions to reach this point. As the numbers of BPO and ITeS providers have increased in major metropolitan cities such as Mumbai, Delhi, and Bangalore, there has been an intense competition for quality manpower in those cities. This frequent poaching and high attrition resulted in increased recruitment and training costs. Given this situation, some BPO companies have started operations in smaller towns and even villages.

However, the main challenges that the rural BPOs face are under-developed infrastructure facilities; lack of power, and poor telecommunication, transportation, education, and other support facilities, expertise in English ,confidence level of rural graduates in facing clients and presenting themselves. But with suitable training and orientation, these people can definitely be brought up to a desired level of performance.

Only constant innovation and spotting new opportunities can help rejuvenate this competitive advantage and rural BPO is definitely one of those business innovations. The concept is very idealistic.

Posted By:Jaspreet

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